Friday, December 30, 2011

Preventing Deaths Snake Bites

Although often happen in the centre city, the problem of snake still attention by medical expert, cause ot death threats big enough. That be happen if patient who is bitten snake late to get appropriate treatment.So very important for to understanding how step thet needs to bedone to person who is bitten snake.

In the world there 2500 of kinds snake, 500 species is poisonous, and 200 species can cause death, or  permanent disability.. Poisonous snake many in Asia shoutheast it's The Russel's vipers, Malayan vit pipers green vit pipers, and carpet pipers.

there are the first aid which can be done to snake bite victim:

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Toward The New Year Celebration

Many People in the world always waiting at toward the finish year for to new year celebration, many activities people in the world or in indonesia that they prepared for a new celebration for the end of year. At Indonesia the new celebration usually many use a lot of firework, they  gather in city centre, the man or women, old or young, and the children too follow for to celebrating a new year.It maybe the same with in the another country about a new celebration, they lit fireworks at twelve o'clock precisely.

The Rich Countris But, many Poor People

In the recent month, the forbes magazine published the order of the richest people in Indonesia, in description of teh order of the rich people were in Indonesia a lot of people rich. besides that country Indonesia is a country that has abundant natural resources, particularly mining, petroleum gas and marine resources and the other a case of non-oil wealth. But what we can see in this country are still many people who live below the poverty line, strange indeed, why this happened.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How To Easy Get $10 per day From Adsense

How To Easy Get $ 10 per day from adsense, I have a special trick from expert blogger, so you can try there trick, and below the arrange of his tick.

Directly only to launch:

1. Make a blog with
2. The of Blogger must in English, so in your article.
3. Find to article web like "enzinearticle" or yo can find to another web
4. Posting at least 5  articles a days
5. You have visitor 100-150 per day
6. Place code adsense 336 x 280 above
7.Asuume you have visitor 100 per day, that good begin.but its noy yet you dont angry and dont give up, so you must consisten posting 2-4 per day, cause in one week or two weak your blog will be indexed automatically by search egine especialy by  google.

I Hopefully useful and goodluck

Andik Virmansyah In Drill Club Portugal

The first to play wonderfull to againts club from america, that LA Galaxy in the friendship match, the name of Andik begin to indtroduce in this nation and untill to out of the country. Individu Skill Andik in nice to look when he to bring ball, to pass oponent, and another Andik have speed power in running. Until now Andik dubed Messi from Indonesia.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How To Change Date Format In Blog Articles From Indonesian To English

I want to share experiences in managing the appearance of the blog, on this occasion I would like to share how to transform Indonesia into a date format to UK date format that is above article on the blog. Simply follow the order to start it below:

1. On the blog you select the design.
2. Then select settings
3. In the settings menu on the Formatting tab underneath there and select it.
4. After that search for language menu, then change the format of Indonesian to English language support.
5. Then select the date format as you wish on the menu header date format.
6. The last save your changes.

Finish is a discussion on how to change the date on blog posts from Indonesia to the English format, may be useful.

Hard Became A Member on The Google Adsense

Heard the news from my friends who tried to search again on the dollar on the internet, about how hard it became a member of the google adsense publisher, so  more than once or more who tried to register, and never accepted by Adsense.

The reasons vary, there is because his blog does not speak English, not many visitors to his blog, or the content of the blogs listed are less qualified, or because the content just copies the contents of the paste.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Fatigue disappeared after meeting with a baby

fatigue disappeared after meeting with the baby, I do not know could be so, many friends talk like that. When they work hard at work for hours in the day and night, but they will feel lost feeling tired that when she met her son at home.

so how happy a child is endowed by God, so must we acknowledge that, with the children, and fruits can be used as expectations of future heart

Maintain Eye Health

A clear vision can help us in various ways, such as working, enjoying the natural scenery, or communication with others. If you want to have healthy eyes, of course you should care.

There are some things you can do to maintain eye health:
1. Check the health of the eye in an ophthalmologist, on the visit not only do visibility checks, but checks eye pressure, the possibility of cataracts, or other examination

Creating Healthy Teeth

Unwittingly tooth is a small part of the body that is quite important. Dental health affects overall health of our bodies. Teeth can become infected with a source of disease and damage in other organs, such as heart, lung, and so on.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

How Make to blog

Many way how to make blog,there are make with blogspot or wordpress. But in this article will be explaine how make to blog with blogspot. Ok not longer lets to begin make a simple blog.look under is arrange how to make blog.

  1. The first you must have a mail,and you can make email in the
  2. In make email you will be enter name,birthday and other.
  3. After you get activation from you can use that email for make a blog.
  4. Browse blogger and click that and than you can sign up or create blog.
  5. You will be enter several your data same you to make your mail.
  6. After you fill your data,and you have account blog and you can begin write in your blog.
Enough is my explaine for to make a simple a blog, and I will to be continue at another times,I hope usefull is my write.thank to visit to my blog.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Begin Make A Blog

When I to begin make a blog,I must to good fell and always spirit.In make a blog for me as begginer, I have to looking for much referency from another blog, and another that I have to  many ask to master of blogger from many forum in internet.

I have been a blog several time, but when I to try to desain make better and has a good blog quality,what happen to my blog?is that better blog?,no, my blog was damage cause me to messing tweaking HTML program.My blog was error.